Sunday, November 21, 2010

Only 88% ???? (According to FB)

Dear Kenneth Iiwii Jones, You are 88% Evil.
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
Conclusion: You are 88% Evil


Friday, June 25, 2010

DILLIGAF? (Non-musical Version)

It's been a while since I've come over to this side to vent... Too long, I know. Why is it that people come to conclusions on their own and act on it, without really thinking it through, and then want to take back the hurtful things after the damage has been done? I know I can be too logical sometimes, but DAMN, I don't generally have to later apologize for the decisions I make. I can explain My reasons, and stick to My principles, instead of resorting to "defense mechanisms" and knee-jerk reactions...
As usual, even when I attempt to be the good guy, the nice guy, I still end up being labeled as the bad guy, the villian, the heartless one. So be it. "SAY HELLO TO THE BAD GUY!!!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why can't people just be honest, both with themselves and with Me? I hate it when people preach one thing (literally beating you over the head with it), but for some reason or another, they aren't to be held to the same standard. Not gonna go into detail, as this is the internet, and you never know who is reading what...

Moving on...

Still waiting for My measly ass paycheck so I can attempt to get My cell-phone turned back on. It's only been a day, but I often forget just how integral a part of Me My Blackberry has become. The loss of email notifications, the portable Yahoo! messenger, My SMS and MMS... I am lost at sea without the lighthouse of the EDGE network to see Me through.

A red Blackberry PearlImage via Wikipedia

Mayhaps I shall be able to really get some of this off My chest through newer avenues than old vices... Hopefully, once I transcribe these verses and haikus in My head, I'll be in a better place - both mentally and emotionally.